1.- (play, run) ______________________________________________________________.
2.- (dance, sing) _____________________________________________________________.
3.-(drink, eat) ______________________________________________________________.
4.- (run, sit) ________________________________________________________________.
5.-(study, know)_____________________________________________________________.
Circle the action verbs, and underline the Being verbs.
Billy jumped out of his bed Friday morning. He ran to the kitchen singing at the top of his lungs. “Billy, you sure sound happy this morning!” said Billy’s mother. “I am!” Billy replied as he sat at the breakfast table. He gobbled his food down as fast as he could. Then he raced out the door and jumped on the school bus. When the bus pulled up in front of the school Billy was still sinking. When it was time for class, David whispered, “You better stop singing. You’ll get into trouble.” But Billy picked another song and continued on. The teacher, Mrs. Grump, was talking about nouns and verbs when Billy started his tenth song of the day. Billy’s classmates giggled and then laughed out loud, but Billy kept right on singing. Mrs. Grump, however, wasn’t singing at all. She wrote a note to Billy’s parents and you know what they decided? No listening to his IPod for two whole days! So Billy learned to sing only in the shower, in choir, outdoors, or with his friends. Just about anywhere but in the classroom!
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