

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Homework November 9-13

1.-Student bring a tongue depressor, painted the color assigned to your group.
 (Para el dia lunes por alumno traer un abatelenguas, pintado del color asignado por grupo)

3 A-B  light blue, 3 C-D  yellow, 3 E  orange  

2.-Oral and Written Communication  pag.2  (all questions)
3.- Spelling: Home Schooling lesson 1

1.- Spelling pag 7, 
2.- Oral and Written Communication pag. 4.

1.-Grammar pag. 8,9.
2.-Reading Comprehension  look for  the words you don't understand on the reading JOHN GLENN.

1.- Oral and Written Communication pag. 9 and 10. 
2.-Spelling  Home  Schooling lesson 2

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