

viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Project 3rd bimonthly term. due date: Wednesday February 3rd.

1. Objetivo:
El alumno reforzará el uso de la expresión oral.

2. Resultado final:
El alumno presentará una biografía oral del personaje que haya elegido acompañado de un collage o presentación en Power Point.

3. Elaboración del proyecto:
·         Instrucciones:
1.    El alumno elegirá uno de los temas proporcionados.
2.    Los temas de los que podrán elegir serán:

a)    Sport player
b)    Singer or band
c)     Writter
d)    Actor/actress

3.    El alumno presentará una breve biografía del personaje que haya elegido.
4.    En la entrega del collage o presentación en powerpoint se revisará limpieza y presentación (se podrá utilizar material reciclable en caso de collage).
5.    El material, ya sea la presentación en powerpoint o el collage, deberá contener hoja de presentación

Nota: las diapositivas o collage no deberán contener mucha escritura solo palabras claves.

4. Rasgos a evaluar

·         Puntualidad
·         Ortografía y gramática.
·         Limpieza
·         Orden
·         Contenido
·         Pronunciación y correcta expresión oral gramatical.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Prepositions ( print and paste in your notebook)


  • A preposition is a word or set of words that indicates location (in, near, beside, on top of) or some other relationship between a noun or pronoun and other parts of the sentence (about, after, besides, instead of, in accordance with). A preposition isn't a preposition unless it goes with a related noun or pronoun, called the object of the preposition.
Let's meet before noon.
Before is a preposition; noon is its object.

We've never met before.
There is no object; before is an adverb modifying met.

Rule 1. A preposition generally, but not always, goes before its noun or pronoun. One of the undying myths of English grammar is that you may not end a sentence with a preposition. But look at the first example that follows. No one should feel compelled to say, or even write, That is something with which I cannot agree. Just do not use extra prepositions when the meaning is clear without them.

Correct: That is something I cannot agree with.
Correct: Where did you get this?
Incorrect: Where did you get this at?
Correct: How many of you can I depend on?
Correct: Where did he go?
Incorrect: Where did he go to?

Rule 2a. The preposition like means "similar to" or "similarly to." It should be followed by an object of the preposition (noun, pronoun, noun phrase), not by a subject and verb. Rule of thumb: Avoid like when a verb is involved.

You look like your mother.
That is, you look similar to her. (Mother is the object of the preposition like.)
You look like your mother does.
(Avoid like with noun + verb.)

Rule 2b. Instead of like, use as, as if, as though, or the way when following a comparison with a subject and verb.

Correct: You look the way your mother does.
Incorrect: Do like I ask. (No one would say Do similarly to I ask.)
Correct: Do as I ask.
Incorrect: You look like you're angry.
Correct: You look as if you're angry. (OR as though)

Some speakers and writers, to avoid embarrassment, use as when they mean like.
The following incorrect sentence came from a grammar guide:
Incorrect: They are considered as any other English words.
Correct: They are considered as any other English words would be.
Correct: They are considered to be like any other English words.
Remember: like means "similar to" or "similarly to"; as means "in the same manner that." Rule of thumb: Do not use as unless there is a verb involved.
Incorrect: I, as most people, try to use good grammar.
Correct: I, like most people, try to use good grammar.
Correct: I, as most people do, try to use good grammar.
The rule distinguishing like from as, as if, as though, and the way is increasingly ignored, but English purists still insist upon it.

Rule 3. The preposition of should never be used in place of the helping verb have.
Correct: I should have done it.
Incorrect: I should of done it.
See also COUPLE OF; OFF OF; OUT OF; OUTSIDE OF (Confusing Words and Homonyms).

Rule 4. It is a good practice to follow different with the preposition from. Most traditionalists avoid different than. Although it is an overstatement to call different than incorrect, it remains polarizing: A is different than B comes across as sloppy to a lot of literate readers. If you can replace different than with different from without having to rewrite the rest of the sentence, why not do so?
Polarizing: You're different than I am.
Unchallengeable: You're different from me.
See also DIFFERENT FROM, DIFFERENT THAN (Confusing Words and Homonyms).

Rule 5. Use into rather than in to express motion toward something. Use in to tell the location.
Correct: I swam in the pool.
Correct: I walked into the house.
Correct: I looked into the matter.
Incorrect: I dived in the water.
Correct: I dived into the water.
Incorrect: Throw it in the trash.
Correct: Throw it into the trash.

what it is?

Resultado de imagen para synonyms and antonyms

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

HOME SHOOLING 1 (dos veces), Primera tarea del tercer bimestre para el jueves 14.

Ligas para los audios


PW (contraseña): orisecundaria 

Dar click en la liga, entrar a la pagina de AMCO, copiar el usuario y la contraseña, buscar tercer  grado y entrar en el libro 3, ir a descargar audios, los audios vienen comprimidos tienen que  descoprimirse.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016


accent      business    demolish    genetics    jumbo jet
accurate   cabbage     dentist       glue          justice
advantage camera      deny         gnome      knives
advertise   canoe        describe    goggles    knowledge
aerospace cantaloupe design      gorge        label
agent        capitalize   desperate graph        language
albino       capsule      detective  gravity     laser
alligator   carcasses    discuss    grief         laughed
alphabet   carnival     disobey   groan        lawyer
appetite    castle        distorted   grumble   length
apply        catalog     dolphin     guessed    libraries
architect   ceiling     echo          guest         library
artifact      cello        echoes      gymnastics liner
assign       chills      ecology      hairdresser liquid
astonish   chocolate   electric      halves        liter
attract       choir         electrician haunted      loan
average    clarinet      energy       headache    loaves
baker       clone         engineer     heroes        luggage
bakeries   closet        entertain     heroism     magnet
balance    clue          envelope      hesitate     mammal
bandage   comic        equality       holidays    manatee
bassoon  command   equipment   honesty    margarine
beautiful compact disc escape      honor       marshmallow
beverage complain     examination hospital mayor
bicycle    complete     example       human    measure
bioengineer compose excellent       humor    mechanic
biologist    computer  experiment    image    megaphone
bionic      congratulate explain        imagine melancholy
biopsy       cosmonaut extinct       immediate memories
blown        countries   extremely   impossible memory
bounties     coupon      factories     improvement message
breakfast    courage    fever            increase    meter
breathing    crocodile fiber optics   industries metric
breeze        cruel         flippers        infection microphone
brief           crumb       floristb        injection microprocessors
brilliant      cuddly      flown          insects     microwave oven
bruise        cymbals    forgotten      instead    million
bullet train  definite    fortunate      invade   misplace
buoy           degrees     gasoline       jet ski    moccasins
bureau       delighted    general        juice       molecule


Señores padres de familia o tutores, me permito recordarles a ustedes como a sus hijos que este bimestre se trabajara como los anteriores en cuanto el punto extra de cada viernes, si los alumnos de un salon NO entregan su trabajo el siguiente viernes pierden derecho durante el bimestre.